Thursday 18 August 2011

Archie McLachlan

Archie McLachlan is 59 years of age, has lived in Brampton since 1982 and has raised 5 children in the City.
His uncle first moved to Brampton in 1955 and worked for Nortel: he also started a Uniform Store and a Real Estate business in downtown Brampton.
Archie is an economist and author,( 'Nasty Business' is a book which shows how the average Canadian is robbed of his money and his pension by billionaires: available on Amazon.)
Archie has a background in: Training as a professor at Humber College: a stock broker at Research Capital Inc; and General manager of the charity, The St Vincent De Paul Society.
Additional information on web site which he set up to help entrepreneurs access information to set up, improve and grow their businesses.

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