Thursday 18 August 2011

Voice of the People

For years, we have voted for party controlled politicians.
They do not work for you. They work for the billionaire owners of Global corporations, who give Prime Ministers a series of Directorships in their Global Corporations at the end of their term, in exchange for selling out their countrymen.
Why do you think OUR representatives give hundreds of millions of dollars to large corporations to export all the high paying jobs to third world countries.
When Canada gives hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid to a country, who do you think gets the supply contracts for things like food and drugs?
We should ban Prime Ministers from occupying any directorship after his term is over.
The Conservatives have installed the Bilderburg Group agenda, which reduces wages to subsistence, while increasing taxes through higher prices and license fees. That is why it is easier to get into Canada if you are uneducated than if you have a PhD.
They boast about losing 50,000 well paid jobs and replacing them with 117,000 minimum wage jobs. The numbers don't lie. They are creating new jobs. Unfortunately, they are jobs no-one wants.
They increase the spending on prisons, while reducing the spending on social services.
They reduce spending on healthcare while increasing spending on weapons and military.
They reduce spending on social services while increasing spending on policing.

They reduce spending on education while they import foreign labour, at lower wages than the average Canadian can survive upon.
They hold Canada Pension payments at a level that will reduce our retirees to poverty; equivalent to the worst 'third world' levels.
We need to stop funding Global corporation and start funding local businesses, which create well paying jobs.
We have to redistribute the wealth from the billionaires to the wealth creators; our small businessmen, inventors and entrepreneurs.
We have to get rid of licencing fees that stop new businesses from emerging.
We have to open up finance for new businesses through a lottery.
If you give an entrepreneur $1million, he will create 10-40 well paying jobs.
Give $1million to a billionaire, he will buy a new yacht.
Give him $100 million and he will buy one of our best companies, steal all the patents, close the place down and set up in China.
Look at the record of the Party Politicians.
They have been involved in: corruption; bribery; raising taxes, when they said they would not; taking responsibility for things they had nothing to do with; performing disgusting attacks on the credibility of their opponents.
If you want change, you have to step up and say 'Enough is Enough'.
Back the courageous people, who want to expose the flaws and mismanagement that have allowed dishonest politicians to thrive and destroy the culture and family wealth in Canada.
Party politics has reduced wages, destroyed small businesses and made Canada home to the world's terrorists and criminals.
Let us expose the lies and corruption, jail the crooked politicians, and move forward to a prosperous future.

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